Saturday, October 16, 2010

Walking and walking sticks

Walking sticks more than trekking poles? What sticks and hiking sticks? What to call it, and help, regardless of their differences, are the knees, mostly. Do well, at least when downhill.

What good are they? They help you maintain balance. It can be used as a defense against wild animals as well. I use a stick on the head from time to time to rest and I also like a monopod forStabilize the camera.

Need trekking poles?

What happens if you have knee problems and walking on level ground? Then there is perhaps unnecessary to use trekking poles. You can only take things more.

They save energy? Take weight off your joints, but logic says you can find more energy than you expend. I use a walking stick at a time to spend my knees and it's fun to put things, but not a necessity. Asworth, Jardine, the "father" of ultra light backpack, Ray do not recommend sticks.

If you choose to use, use the incredible Bozeman Mountain Works Stix Xls Trekking poles. They are made of high strength carbon and weighs 2.7 ounces each! This is half the weight of the next contest.

Walking sticks and other options

I often cut dead sticks and use them until you lose it. I always lose my walking stick - not a good reasonBuy the most expensive. If I still do it at the end of the trail, I leave for the next hiker. Hand-cut sticks are heavier high-tech trekking poles, but you can only leave behind when they are tired.

You can make excursions on foot bamboo canes in a good light. It 's more powerful than it looks, then use a piece that only about 3 / 4 "thick. I bought the cheap decorative bamboo at Pier One Imports, and cut to measure. You can paste some scrap soft leatherfor a comfortable grip.

Finally, ski poles work as walking sticks. And 'better if you remove the baskets, especially when hiking in wooded areas where you can get something to be.

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